
Saturday, 25 February 2023

"Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Course Onsite & Online. Yogism Yoga Institute is accredited with IYA and YCB Govt of India AYUSH Courses. Yogasana, Pranayama, Meditation Training, Suryanamskara, give others the strength to lead a healthy yogic lifestyle. Become an YOGISM Certified Yoga Teacher Trainer (TTC), and make an impact on the lives of others with an advanced understanding of Diet, health and Wellness. Yogism Certified Yoga Teacher Trainers are qualified to plan and implement Yoga Class for healthy individuals or those who have medical clearance to exercise. The YOGISM Certified Yoga Teacher is a Yoga Instructor who develops and implements an individualized approach to Sukshm vyayam, Yogasana Relaxations Pranayama, Suryanamskar."